16-22 June Refugee Week
On 18 June Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Multicultural Network, Ku-ring-gai Neighbourhood Centre (KNC) Care and Ku-ring-gai Council came together to celebrate refugee Week.
25 May
Educaid Australia has partnered with Seva International Inc. and Haathi in the Room (https://www.haathiintheroom.com.au/) to host a 3-hour Safetalk suicide alertness workshop for adults and young people aged 15+ years.
This was a fully funded workshop supported by LivingWorks, Hathi in the Room, Seva International Inc. and the NSW Government.
23 February a Living Well Seminar (Diabetes Education) for the Hindi Speaking Community was presented in Thornleigh, Sydney. This was a partnership with Diabetes Australia and NDSS.
On Friday 23 February 2024, a Living Well Seminar (Diabetes Education) was hosted by the NDSS and Diabetes Australia in collaboration with SEVA International Inc. and CMRC, Northern Region.
The Seminar was held in Thornleigh Community Centre with the majority of participants being Hindi language speakers.
The seminar commenced with Ms. Dyala Al Jabi from Diabetes Australia and the NDSS introducing the Living Well series. Ms. Sapna Lazarus from SEVA International Inc. and Ms. Farzana from CMRC Northern Region gave brief introductions about their organisations.
Ms Parvinder Kaur, Credentialled Diabetes Educator (CDE) gave a presentation in Hindi on the Annual Cycle of Care and Diabetes Management.
Ms Nisha Thacker, Accredited Practising Dietitian presented on Healthy Eating for people with pre-diabetes and Diabetes in Hindi.
There were a lot of relevant questions from the participants which Parvinder and Nisha were happy to answer during the Q&A session as well as after the event.
Ms Dyala Al Jabi talked about the importance of Physical activity in managing Diabetes and followed this with a demonstration and active participation by the audience of some simple weight bearing exercises.
The seminar was well received by the participants, with some wanting to have a similar program in their communities in Western Sydney.
Ms Dyala Al Jabi thanked all the speakers and the participants for their contribution to the event. The event concluded with light refreshments provided by NDSS and Diabetes Australia.
10 March 2024-International Women’s Day #InspireInclusion
A Sunday afternoon filled with stories of successful women in politics, business and health promotion. SEVA International Inc., Sri Lankan Australia Women’s Network (SLAWN), Immigrant Women’s SPEAKOUT Association NSW Inc. and BORONIA MULTICULTURAL SERVICES (BMS) came together on the 10 March at the Auburn Centre for Community to celebrate International Women’ s Day.
It was an afternoon to celebrate the achievements of women. An audience of over 80 women and men had the opportunity to listen to great women entrepreneurs and women in business and politics tell their stories of success.
Sally Sitou, Member for Reid, kicked off the event by narrating her story from the time her parents migrated to Australia and expressed her appreciation for living in a country of opportunities. She compared the limited opportunities that were available to women in her grandmother’s time to the opportunities that were available to her growing up. She mentioned some of the initiatives by the Labor Government for women due to having women at the decision-making table. She made particular mention of the government-funded paid parental leave which will pay an extra 12 per cent superannuation on top of the parental leave payment, from July 2025.
Christine Deutsch from Sarina Russo Entrepreneurs/Workforce Australia facilitated an interactive activity with the participants aimed at encouraging them to reflect on their lives using a SWOT analysis and to make the necessary changes. She shared her insights for starting one’s own business and gave resources and contact details for those who would like to start their own business or are already in business and encouraged them to seek assistance from her organisation.
Lisa Woodland, Director, Multicultural Health presented valuable information on vaping and shisha, prevalence of its use, harmful effects and the myths and facts of vaping and e- cigarettes.
Rohini Solomon from Kingsgrove Sports Centre enumerated the company’s contribution to Sri Lankan cricket and shared challenges faced by her business and her innovative solutions driving the success of her business. She shared her insights into running a business to success overcoming obstacles.